Visit to Granada
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to take thi opportunity to welcome you aboard our coach tour of Grenade and its surroundings. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Guillermo Romero, and I shall be your guide for these two weeks. I am here to make your trip as pleasant as possible and to give you some information about the buildings we will be seeing.
First of all, we will see one of the most important monuments of Spain: the Alhambra castle, which is a Muslim castle. We will also visit the Science Museum, which has got a very interesting exposition about electricity, dinoseurs and the human body. After that, we will go to Sierra Nevada to do some skiing and watch all the different types of landscape that Grenade has. Finally, we will go to Motril, which is a town that was very important because of the sugar cane, so we will visit the Sugar cane Museum. This city has a subtropical climate, so we will go to the beach. The trip is expected to take two weeks, so we will have enough time to visit all.
May I also ask those of you who feel dizzy on the bus to sit on the first seats of the coach. I hope that you all have an enjoyable trip, and please feel free to ask me any questions. I will do my best to answer them. Thank you for your attention.
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