domingo, 24 de junio de 2018

How important are family + friends to you in your life?

Resultado de imagen de FamiliaNowadays, the importance of family and friends has changed over the last 10 years. New generations are usually keener on friends than on family, but older generations, however, find family more important than anything else. In this composition, I will discuss the importance of each one for me.
Resultado de imagen de amigosOn the one hand, my family, even if it is small, is the one who taught me and created me as a mature person. As a result, their role is incredibly necessary for me. In addition, I usually spend a lot of time with them, specially, in Christmas and summer holidays.

On the other hand, my friends are the people who I choose and so, they are often even better than my family. What’s more, the similarity of age is also an important fact to take into account because of the same vision of the present world.

All in all, I believe that the mixture of both of them is the best thing. Furthermore, I usually watch them as a family, one is my biological family and the other is “the street family”.

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